Dear Friends,
Thank you for your faithful support throughout 2015 and for partnering with Family Care Missions. Your help has touched many lives and is greatly appreciated by those who benefit from your generosity. God bless you!
In November our Team worked in Mombasa with the Olives Rehabilitation Center where 300 underprivileged children receive education and a daily meal. Most of the pupils come from Single-Parent Households and due to poverty, sickness, alcohol or drug abuse they are often left without proper care, needed attention and schooling.
What we achieved during our visit
Supplying various Food Items for the Feeding Program. Sponsoring Electrical Fittings for seven classrooms (Please note that the School had no electricity for the last six years). Donated Watertanks for the Handwashing Campaign and Rainwater Harvesting. Health Kits got distributed to all the Teachers and Staff plus a three months supply of Sanitary Pads for all the Teenage Girls.
Before heading back to Nairobi we organized a Special Meal and Drinks for the students and teachers of the Olives School in Kisimani and held a number of Teacher's Seminars on the topic of Hygiene and Sickness Prevention. Also visited some of the poorest families in the surrounding Slum to donate Food Packages and Health Kits to the parents of the students at the Olives Rehabilitation Center.

More lives touched
Jacinta Nduta is a widow and mother of three small children whose husband died of TB last year. Penniless, she was evicted from her home and ended up living outside on a porch of a shack in Kibera with her children where she also became ill with TB.
Through donations of well-wishers Jacinta received the desperately needed treatment and was able to rent a small room.
Jacinta told us recently, "My weight went down to 40kg and I had no more strength to care for my children when you reached out to me and helped. The Monthly Food Aid brought me back on my feet, especially the Uji is a big help for me and my children. Thank you so much for caring."
Jacinta has now started a small egg and vegetable business and together with the continued help of the 15 Kilo Monthly "Care Package" she is now able to support her family living in Kibera.

More highlights from 2015
- February:
- Donated four Toilet Facilities to the Stev-In Village School plus mattresses and blankets for a small orphanage in the Gichagi Community.
- March:
- Provided Food Stuffs for the New Hope Or-phanage Feeding Program, as well as Care Packages for the Elderly at the Grandma Village in Uplands.
- April:
- Launching of Health and Hygiene Campaign for poor communities in an effort to prevent sickness.
- May-July:
- Held Educational Talks for groups of mothers and provided much needed Health Kits.
- Aug-Sept:
- Sourcing of Sponsorship for Mombasa Aid Project and the One-Ton-A-Month Feeding Program to selected institutions.
- Held an Art Therapy Session for orphans at the Children's Garden Home in Dagoretti.
- October:
- Setting up of Home Science Project for the Stev-In Village School with two sewing machines and fabric for the lessons.
- Renovation for classrooms is underway.
Your faithful support makes it possible to continue our service to the Community and our Team is looking forward to working together with you in 2016!