In the wake of a Cholera Outbreak our Family Care Missions Team held several Health Talks in Marginalized Communities. During our regular visits we often encounter suffering because of ignorance and a lack of hygiene supplies and basic training. In an effort to educate and empower mothers from these poor neighborhoods -- many of whom battle with HIV/AIDS-related sicknesses -- we have been organizing Health Awareness Programs with 30 to 40 mothers per meeting. Each mother attending receives a 10-Kilo Food Package and a Health Kit, containing items such as soap, water guard, deworming meds, multivitamins, sanitary napkins and a supply of condoms, as well as material with information on sickness prevention and protection from STDs.
Group Counseling Sessions help to answer questions and provide an outlet for the women by talking about the various hardships they face due to poverty. Mothers openly share about their problems and it’s heartbreaking to learn of regular abuse, rape and mistreatment. The meetings end with prayer for various requests and encouragement.

Besides our regular School Lunch Program and food donations for a number of families in Turkana who suffer from the on-going drought, the Stev-In School received new plates for their 160 children, new benches and educational materials.
Through networking with various companies, this month we received a large donation of Textbooks from the Desai Memorial Foundation for the Olives Rehabilitation Center & School in the Bombolulu Slums in Mombasa. Your sponsorship, dear Friends, makes our work with poor and needy families possible and we keep you and your loved ones in our prayers. Greetings, Your Family Care Team