This short Update comes with a heartfelt THANK YOU to all of you who make our Aid Work possible through your continued support. God bless you!
After over 20 years of service with Marginalized Communities in Kenya, Family Care Missions received recognition from the United Nations in Geneva, in form of a trophy for working on Sustainable Development Goals.
This month we like to highlight some of the many youth who benefit from our work with Informal Schools, where we donate supplies for daily school lunches, organize sponsorships, provide desks, textbooks and sanitary supplies, as well as youth counseling for students who face hardship due to poverty.

During our work in the slums we met Akinyi, infected with HIV/Aids since 2008. At the time she suffered from TB and was in a wheelchair. She became part of our Support Group and after receiving medical help and monthly Care Packages her condition improved. Presently she is employed as a Social Worker, counselling mothers affected by HIV/Aids. She also volunteers with the distribution of our Care Packages for poor families.