News Category: Past News Updates

Volume 4, 2020

Dear Friends,

We would like to extend our heartfelt THANK YOU for your continued support towards our Aid Work, which has been a great help to those in need, especially during this time of hardship.

Our weekly Ration Packages reach into the homes and huts of the elderly, jobless single mothers, those who struggle with cancer, HIV Aids and TB, as well as the disabled.

The recipients of the Food Aid and Hygiene Supplies are often moved to tears and are most grateful. Sadly the after-effects of Covid have left countless already poor families stranded and without the bare necessities for living.

We have heard many sad stories of children who have to make due with one sparse meal per day and malnutrition is starting to have a serious effect in those young lives.

Through your donation we are able to put together Nutritional Food Items such as Uji porridge, atta, beans, rice, dengu, sugar, tea, cooking fat, as well as cleaning and hygiene needs. For those who are bedridden, the Packages are being delivered by our faithful volunteers.

Your giving is touching many lives and makes a big difference to those who continue to receive the help. We are praying that God will bless and keep you safe during these challenging months.

Volume 3, 2020

As in most parts of the world, Kenya too has been heavily affected by Covid-19 in various ways. Especially for countless poor people who live in Informal Settlements and are dependent on daily income to feed their families, the current situation has turned into a nightmare. Fear and worry of how to make ends meet the next day, as well as hunger and in some cases even starvation has reached into homes.

Even though most of us haven’t experienced such dire circumstances, sharing with others might be the last on a list of to-do‘s during a crisis that puts one in a financial squeeze. Together with a group of part-time helpers, we have been reaching out to Marginalized Communities where countless lives have been touched through material and emotional assistance. Since our work is solely supported through well-wishers, we repeatedly experience that it is often through an act of unselfish giving or sharing that we find ourselves blessed in some way.

When the pandemic first hit our country, we had no idea how we would continue our full-time work with poor communities, nor be of help with the increasing requests for food aid and help. Each call for assistance seemed more dire and desperate than the one before, making us feel quite inadequate.

We are grateful for the response from you, dear friends, despite the financial challenges during these trying times that most are experiencing. With the donations we receive, we secure nutritional food/hygiene items and pack 12 kilo bags with necessary survival needs for vulnerable families! Throughout the last four months, our team kept securing and distributing these Care Packages for numerous poor households each week. This tons of food aid have gone out to widows, the disabled and those who are affected by HIV/AIDS, TB, and cancer. Many of the packs are delivered to homes, carried through muddy garbage-strewn slum lanes to the doorsteps of those who are too weak to come to our weekly meeting point.

Following is a short insight into the lives of some of the recipients of our Family Care support: Auma is a young woman who was a victim of rape and lives in a small hut in one of Nairobi’s slums. One day she was bit by a poisonous snake that led to the amputation of her leg and because of inadequate medical care, cancerous wounds have now formed. Since a friend of Auma was evicted from her small home as she was unable to pay the rent, she now shares her humble hut with this lady. Both women, jobless and penniless, find help and some consolation through our Family Care Food Aid project.

During the work in poor communities our volunteers identify the need, like in the case of Henry (27) who suffers from sudden paralysis due to GBS. Through sponsorship we were able to deliver a much-needed wheelchair to him and for the first time in 18 months, Henry was able to sit in the sun. He is a recipient of our monthly food/hygiene packages.

Women from the Cancer Support Group we assist, knitted a mat for our Charity to show their appreciation for the continued food, hygiene and medical needs we provide while they undergo treatment. This month two of the women received breast prosthesis. -- These are few stories to portray how your help is touching lives. Daily we witness many desperate needs and we feel that the help we give never seems sufficient. However, we trust that when we do what we can, God will do what we cannot do.

We pray that the cycle of giving and receiving will continue, as times are hard for those who have nowhere to go and no one to turn to. Perhaps someone reading this article will feel a tug on his or her heart to help us keep helping where the need is great!

If you like to help, please get in touch at: Thanks! Your Family

Volume 2, 2020

When a pandemic as we experience at the moment enters our lives, when all around us morphs into a state of uncertainty and chaos, a word of cheer and a deed of kindness becomes all the more important. When everyone rushes for  supplies to stock up on needed items, sharing things with others might be the last thing on our minds. But it’s often through an act of unselfish giving or sharing that we find ourselves blessed in some way.

Even though all of us are affected, some suffer more severe conditions. Our sympathies go out to the ones who are infected, those who are fighting at the front lines of Covid-19 and to those who lost loved ones. In Kenya, the effects of the current outbreak with its following restrictions have led to increased hardship for millions of poor citizens who live in marginalized areas, since many are day laborers. Unable to save for emergencies, hunger, uncertainty and the daily worry of how to feed their children has turned into a nightmare for poor families.

We‘ve heard of cases where children only receive cups of warm water until the evening when a sparse meal of Ugali and Kale is shared.

We are most grateful for all of you who have continued to contribute! Your giving has been enabling our Family Care Team to distribute more than1000 Kilos of desperately needed food items. Some of the supplies went to the Olives Rehab Center in Mombasa and to a Rescue Center for Street Children in Uthiru.

All throughout 10 Kilos Care Packages are being distributed to widows, single mothers, the elderly and orphans. We are grateful for friends like you, who care and who continue to help us reach out to needy families. God bless you!

We greatly appreciate your giving that reaches the homes of those who are most vulnerable during these difficult times … Thank You!  


Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace
Where there is hatred, let me sow love
Where there is injury, pardon
Where there is doubt, faith
Where there is despair, hope
Where there is darkness, light
And where there is sadness, joy

O Divine Master, grant that I may
Not so much seek to be consoled as to console
To be understood, as to understand
To be loved, as to love
For it is in giving that we receive …“

Volume 1, 2020

Dear Friends,  

      This letter comes with a heartfelt ‘THANK YOU’ for your support which made the ‘Buckets of Love’ and the Christmas Packages for hundreds of families possible again.

      Your help brought rays of sunshine into poor homes and warmed the hearts of mothers and children who received the gifts with joy, clapping and dancing. Many touching comments were shared as well. --  Reflection: “The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow. Do it anyway!”

Since the beginning of the year, a new group of 40 widowed families profits from our ‘Care Package‘ Food Aid Program.  Most of the women lost their partners due to sickness, such as HIV/Aids, cholera, malaria or due to work related accidents on sites that lack safety measures. The Buckets of Love‘  turned out to be help in time of need, since many of the families were flood victims.  Huts and belongings had been ruined or even swept away by streams that turned into rivers overnight. We greatly appreciate your continued support towards our Family Care Aid Work in marginalized communities. God bless you.

Volume 3, 2019

Volume 3, 2019

This short Update comes with a heartfelt THANK YOU to all of you who make our Aid Work possible through your continued support.   God bless you!

After over 20 years of service with Marginalized Communities in Kenya, Family Care Missions received recognition from the United Nations  in Geneva, in form of a    trophy for working on Sustainable Development Goals.

This month we like to highlight some of the many youth who benefit from our work with Informal Schools, where we donate supplies for daily school lunches, organize sponsorships, provide desks, textbooks and sanitary supplies, as well as youth counseling for students who face hardship due to poverty.

During our work in the slums we met Akinyi, infected with HIV/Aids since 2008. At the time she suffered from TB and was in a wheelchair. She became part of our Support Group and after receiving medical help and monthly Care Packages her condition improved. Presently she is employed as a Social Worker, counselling mothers affected by HIV/Aids. She also volunteers with the distribution of our Care Packages for poor families.

Volume 2, 2019


In the wake of a Cholera Outbreak our Family Care Missions Team held several Health Talks in Marginalized Communities. During our regular visits we often encounter suffering because of ignorance and a lack of hygiene supplies and basic training. In an effort to educate and empower mothers from these poor neighborhoods -- many of whom battle with HIV/AIDS-related sicknesses -- we have been organizing Health Awareness Programs with 30 to 40 mothers per meeting. Each mother attending receives a 10-Kilo Food Package and a Health Kit, containing items such as soap,  water guard, deworming meds, multivitamins, sanitary napkins and a supply of condoms, as well as material with information on sickness prevention and protection from STDs.

Group Counseling Sessions help to answer questions and provide an outlet for the women by talking about the   various hardships they face due to poverty. Mothers openly share about their problems and it’s heartbreaking to learn of regular abuse, rape and mistreatment. The meetings end with prayer for various requests and encouragement.

Besides our regular School Lunch Program and food donations for a number of families in Turkana who suffer from the on-going drought, the Stev-In School received new plates for their 160 children, new benches and educational materials.

Through networking with various companies, this month we received a large donation of Textbooks from the Desai Memorial Foundation for the Olives Rehabilitation Center & School in the Bombolulu Slums in Mombasa. Your sponsorship, dear Friends, makes our work with poor and needy families possible and we keep you and your loved ones in our prayers. Greetings, Your Family Care Team

Volume 1, 2019

A big THANK YOU to our friends and sponsors. Your giving enabled us to distribute hundreds of Buckets and Packages filled with ‘goodies’ to make the   season special for Single-Parent-Households, orphans and the elderly.
By sharing joy a little bit of happiness always remains in the heart of the giver.’

In line with our ongoing Family Care Health & Hygiene Campaign (photos above-left), de-worming is regularly offered. 70 girls from the Olives Centre in Mombasa received a 6-months supply of Sanitary Towels, First Aid Kits are being   re-stocked for Informal Schools, soap is supplied and rainwater harvesting systems have been supported by donating several water tanks. One ton of food stuffs -- which is distributed throughout each month by our volunteers -- ensures hundreds of school children from poor families a daily warm meal. Your Sponsorship throughout 2019 will help us to keep reaching out to those in need and we thank you for your participation,

Your Family Care Team

Volume 1, 2018

Dear Friends  -- Your generous Support throughout the year is greatly appreciated and helps us to continue making a difference in our work with poor communities around Kenya.

Year-End Projects: Hundreds of Christmas Food Baskets & Packages were gifted to members of our Kibera HIV/Aids Support Group and Single Mothers who live in Marginalized Communities. Orphans received sweets and treats.  During our Community Outreach, colleague Sally gave talks on Sanitation and Hygiene.  --  In Mombasa we worked alongside the Olives Rehab Center: 500 Kilos food supplies were donated, First Aids Boxes re-stocked, basic medical supplies and de-worming tablets for the 250 students provided. A three-months supply of soap and hand sanitizers furthers the Hygiene Program, avoiding re-infection with worms. The kitchen received two 55 Liters cooking pots, plus 140 Liters of cooking oil. Educational supplies, soccer balls and books were happily received by the teachers and students.  The Project also received funding for urgent repair of some class rooms.

* All 250 children, staff/ teachers were treated to a special meal of Beef-Pilau (famous Kenyan Coastal Dish), bananas & juice.

Volume 3, 2017

Dear Friends,

Thanks to your faithful support, we from Family Care have been able to assist many needy families, orphans and the elderly.


*Beginning of the year hundreds of Buckets of Love reached the homes of poverty stricken families.
*Health/Hygiene Kits and talks on the subject educated and assisted young mothers and teenagers who reside in marginalized communities.
*Hundreds of hungry children to receive a daily school lunch.
*Aids & Cancer sufferers benefit from our Food Aid Program.
*Several Self-Help Projects have been initiated through networking and creating of support groups.
*Various Repairs of the Stev-In Village School in Kangemi were donated
*Moral and Psychological Support has been offered by our volunteers to individuals who face hardship situations.
*Books, educational material and sports equipment was happily received by children from various institutions.
*Several Sponsorships for school fees were organized.

Your assistance is essential to continue our Aid Projects for the remainder of the year. The need is great, but together we can make a difference! Your Family Care Team

Volume 2, 2017

Volume 2, 2017

Dear Friends,

This month your donations reached into the homes and lives of families in need. Food Packages, Health Kits, Clothing, Fun Activities for the children, Prayer and Counselling brightened the days of the widowed, the elderly, the jobless and those who suffer due to poverty and HIV/Aids related illness.

To get near the various homes in the slum villages, Mkokotenis were used where cars can‘t reach.

Through Support Groups families assist each other in times of hardship -- thus the six orphans who Mama Wanyoni left behind have found a home