News Category: Past News Updates

Volume 1, 2017

Dear Friends,

We thank God for a wonderful 'Year‐End Season‘ 2016! Through your financial support, generous contributions and participation, hundreds of Care Packages, Buckets of Love, Books and Toys were gifted to poverty‐stricken families, orphans and abandoned children. We are looking forward to partnering with you in the New Year to continue making lives better for those in need in our Community. May God generously bless you and your family in 2017.


The Olives Rehabilitation Center in Mombasa receives help: First Aid Supplies and Food Stuffs for the School Lunches of the 300 students were donated and Teacher‘s salaries sourced. Hundreds of Text Books for standard 1‐8 have been distributed.
Organized floor repairs for seven Classrooms of the Stev‐In Educational Center. Twenty new school benches were built & all the teachers received Christmas Buckets of Love. Countless hours were spent teaching, training and counselling as well as visiting the sick with Care Packages.

Volume 3, 2016

There are countless orphans roaming the alleys of Kibera who survive `hand to mouth` through the help of well wishers, who are often poor themselves, like Mama Mary (top left). She is a single mom and cancer survivor who takes care of 10 orphaned children. Family Care provides monthly food aid, vitamins and hygiene supplies to such disadvantaged families. Additionally our volunteers provide `counseling` to those living in marginalized communities battling with HIV/Aids & Cancer. Your GIVING helps us to continue our work with these needy families and reaches into their homes making a difference. Thank You and God bless you!

Besides FCM`s the ongoing `One-Ton-Per-Month’ Feeding Program, each Christmas Season we also engage in a “Bucket of Love” Project, where we gift hundreds of families with a 15 Liter Bucket filled with items such as powdered milk, sugar, cooking fat, beans, maize, uji, rice, rice, atta, tea, cookies and soap. The recipients are single mothers, needy HIV/Aids patients and their children - those who live in poverty - are ill and bedridden, as well as the elderly. If you'd like to sponsor some 'Buckets of love' to make the Year-End-Season special for those who often lack even the basic necessities, please contact us at the address below.

Each Bucket costs Ksh 2,500.

A single mother of five says,
We are privileged to receive such deeds of kindness. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for this gift in form of a bucket filled with love. It came to us as an answer to prayer.

“He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward him for what he has done.”
Proverbs 19:1

Volume 2, 2016

Dear Friends,

Many thanks for your faithful support towards our Family Care Missions Aid Projects. In April FCM organised a Health and Hygiene Program for mothers living with HIV/Aids. The program entailed a Group Counseling Session (answering a myriad of questions), a talk on simple Sickness Prevention and Sanitation and lots of relevant Information Material on the subject.

Each family then received a Health Kit containing vitamins, water guard, disinfectant, condoms, pain balm, de-wormers, etc., plus a 10 Kilo Food Package with cereal, powdered milk, rice, flour, beans and margarine. The women are very grateful and send a big THANK YOU to ALL who made this program possible.


As part of the Health Awareness Program, the Children´s Garden Home (Orphanage & Rescue Center in Dagoretti) and the Stev-In Junior School in Kangemi received De-Worming Medicine for a total of 400 children and staff.

Since each of the schools were in urgent need of First Aid Supplies for minor injuries, we presented them with a comprehensive First Aid Kit, which we will be re-stocking regularly.

Below: Health Campaign led by Iris (Counselor) and Sally (Community Health Worker). During Group Discussion with mothers from poor neighbourhoods who face great challenges lots of progress was made in sickness prevention.


Peris Anyango (25 years and orphaned) has been battling with cancer over three years. Family Care Missions and well- wishers have been supporting her treatment as she has been in and out of hospital. During our last visit Peris said,

”All your help, prayers and support -- both financial and morally -- have made my life worth fighting for. Through your kindness, I feel that God cares for me.”

Peris bravely fought this prolonged battle with cancer, but beginning of the year, unfortunately, the cancer had been spreading to her stomach and lungs.

She passed away after Easter. Her smile and cheerfulness will always be remembered. -- RIP Peris

Volume 1, 2016

Dear Friends,

Many thanks for your continued support, which helped greatly in making the New Year Season special for those who are forgotten, poor and destitute. You helped to bring joy into the homes and hearts of the sick, the orphans and the elderly and we pray that you will be richly rewarded.

Besides one ton of Food Aid for various Institutions, our volunteers also distributed 100 blankets, 100`s of Christmas Bags , held group counseling sessions for HIV/Aids patietnts , organised Health Talks and sourced sponsorship for special projects like the `Life Skills` program for students of the Stev-In village school.


Preparation for the launching of the 2016 Health and Hygiene Awareness Programs, starting early April, for mothers who live in margenalized communities (most HIV positive). During the Program (groups of 30 at a time), each Family will receive a Health/Hygiene Kit, information material on the topic, group counseling and a package with nutritional food items. Your partnering with Family Care Missions is greatly appreciated. God bless you.

Volume 4, 2015

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your faithful support throughout 2015 and for partnering with Family Care Missions. Your help has touched many lives and is greatly appreciated by those who benefit from your generosity. God bless you!

In November our Team worked in Mombasa with the Olives Rehabilitation Center where 300 underprivileged children receive education and a daily meal. Most of the pupils come from Single-Parent Households and due to poverty, sickness, alcohol or drug abuse they are often left without proper care, needed attention and schooling.

What we achieved during our visit

Supplying various Food Items for the Feeding Program. Sponsoring Electrical Fittings for seven classrooms (Please note that the School had no electricity for the last six years). Donated Watertanks for the Handwashing Campaign and Rainwater Harvesting. Health Kits got distributed to all the Teachers and Staff plus a three months supply of Sanitary Pads for all the Teenage Girls.

Before heading back to Nairobi we organized a Special Meal and Drinks for the students and teachers of the Olives School in Kisimani and held a number of Teacher's Seminars on the topic of Hygiene and Sickness Prevention. Also visited some of the poorest families in the surrounding Slum to donate Food Packages and Health Kits to the parents of the students at the Olives Rehabilitation Center.

More lives touched

Jacinta Nduta is a widow and mother of three small children whose husband died of TB last year. Penniless, she was evicted from her home and ended up living outside on a porch of a shack in Kibera with her children where she also became ill with TB.

Through donations of well-wishers Jacinta received the desperately needed treatment and was able to rent a small room.

Jacinta told us recently, "My weight went down to 40kg and I had no more strength to care for my children when you reached out to me and helped. The Monthly Food Aid brought me back on my feet, especially the Uji is a big help for me and my children. Thank you so much for caring."

Jacinta has now started a small egg and vegetable business and together with the continued help of the 15 Kilo Monthly "Care Package" she is now able to support her family living in Kibera.

More highlights from 2015

Donated four Toilet Facilities to the Stev-In Village School plus mattresses and blankets for a small orphanage in the Gichagi Community.
Provided Food Stuffs for the New Hope Or-phanage Feeding Program, as well as Care Packages for the Elderly at the Grandma Village in Uplands.
Launching of Health and Hygiene Campaign for poor communities in an effort to prevent sickness.
Held Educational Talks for groups of mothers and provided much needed Health Kits.
Sourcing of Sponsorship for Mombasa Aid Project and the One-Ton-A-Month Feeding Program to selected institutions.
  • Held an Art Therapy Session for orphans at the Children's Garden Home in Dagoretti.
Setting up of Home Science Project for the Stev-In Village School with two sewing machines and fabric for the lessons.
  • Renovation for classrooms is underway.

Your faithful support makes it possible to continue our service to the Community and our Team is looking forward to working together with you in 2016!

Volume 3, 2015

Dear Friends,

Many thanks from FAMILY CARE MISSIONS for your kind donations towards the completion of the Toilet Facility for the Stev-In Village school and the launching of a series of Health and Hygiene Campaigns, on May 9th. The first beneficiaries were 30 poor mothers from the marginalized Gichagi community. Food packages, Vitamins, soap, and other sanitary needs were received with heartfelt thanks. A health talk was given and pamphlets with information for sickness prevention were distributed.


Volume 2, 2015

Dear Friends,

A big THANK YOU for the kind donations towards our work with marginalized communities, poor families, orphans and the elderly. We greatly appreciate your participation in helping to make lives better.

Welcome again to our FCM Project Update

  • Mattresses, pillows and bedding was donated for the Stev-In Boarding House which accommodates 20 children from troubled backgrounds, providing them with a safe environment to live and learn in.
  • Monthly supplies of Food Stuffs for nutritional meals for the 160 children of the adjacent Stev-In Village School were donated. — Funding for the repair of the collapsed toilet has been sourced and the project is finally underway.
  • The Mombasa Olives Rehabilitation Center received another shipment of Food Aid for the School Lunches of the 300 children who benefit from this ongoing Program.
  • Together with a couple who visited Kenya from abroad, we spent a day with orphans from the New Hope Orphanage, which Family Care Missions is sponsoring since 1998. A variety of needs for the children and Food Stuffs were donated during the visit.
  • This month´s “Care Packages“ went to help the elderly of the Uplands Grandma Village, where the old women take care of orphans left behind by family members due to HIV/Aids.
  • Also Single-Parent-Households of the Gichagi Community profited from the 100 Care Packages that were distributed and received with great joy.

Happy reception at the Grandma Village with friends. — Care Packages for the elderly, widows and single mothers. — School Lunch Initiative ensures effective learning. — Hundreds of poor school aged children profit.


Please join us in our new initiative of Health and Hygiene Campaigns for poor communities. In an effort to prevent sickness, we will organize group meetings with mothers to educate and provide Hygiene Packages containing items such as soap, disinfectant for wounds, bandaids, antifungal cream for ring worms, toothbrushes, multivitamins, sanitary napkins, condoms and toilet paper, plus a flyer with simple First Aid tips. Your donation towards this will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Volume 1, 2015

Dear Friends,

Many Thanks for your continued support towards our local Aid Projects which assists us in touching many lives of poor families, orphans, the elderly and sick. We are looking forward to partnering with you in 2015.

  • FREE MEDICAL CAMP IN THE MASAI TOWN OF OLOLAIMUTAI IN DECEMBER: At the local dispensary over 700 patients were treated. Malaria, Diabetes and HIV Testing was offered and the Medical Center`s pharmacy was stocked for Follow Up Treatment. Since there is only one resident doctor for the town and surrounding manyatta`s of approximately 2000 people, the community was very thankful for the two day Medical Camp.
  • BUCKETS OF LOVE PROJECT: Thanks to your sponsorship, hundreds of poor families and HIV/Aids patients received Packages and Buckets filled with 12 kilos of various food stuffs and soap during the New Year`s Season.


During a recent visit to the Olives Rehabilitation Center and School in Mombasa, where over 300 children from the neighbouring slum village of Bombolulu receive education up to Standard 8, Family Care Missions was able to donate a three months supply for the Center`s daily Feeding Program and the School Lunches.

Care Packages, containing food and hygiene supplies, were distributed to poor families and the volunteer teachers received a special allowance. Textbooks, water tanks, battery operated lights and chairs were donated and urgently needed repairs of the school was funded and organized.

Family Care Misisons has been supporting the Project for many years, including the Counseling Service the Olives Rehabilitation Center offers free of charge to the surrounding community. Adults and youth benefit greatly from the Program since alcohol and drug abuse is rampant in the area and countless families have been helped through this initiative.


During a recent visit to the Olives Rehabilitation Center and School in Mombasa, where over 300 children from the neighbouring slum village of Bombolulu receive education up to Standard 8, Family Care Missions was able to donate a three months supply for the Center`s daily Feeding Program and the School Lunches.

Care Packages, containing food and hygiene supplies, were distributed to poor families and the volunteer teachers received a special allowance. Textbooks, water tanks, battery operated lights and chairs were donated and urgently needed repairs of the school was funded and organized.

Family Care Misisons has been supporting the Project for many years, including the Counseling Service the Olives Rehabilitation Center offers free of charge to the surrounding community. Adults and youth benefit greatly from the Program since alcohol and drug abuse is rampant in the area and countless families have been helped through this initiative.

Photo above: Olives School before repairs.
Photo below: The Center after repairs, plus a new gate and wall to ensure better security.

Volume 1, 2014


Dear Friends — Your continued support enables us to keep reaching out to the poorest of the poor and with your donation you have touched many lives for which we are sending a heartfelt THANK YOU.
Grateful comments from recipients of the Aid: A Medical NGO in Kibera reports: “We are grateful to you for providing monthly food stuffs to our needy patients especially those who suffer from tuberculosis and Aids.
We have seen tremendous improvement in their adherence to treatment since they receive better nutrition.”

The Dandora Community Project Manager writes: “Thank you for finding the time to reach out to the disadvantaged Community of dumpsite residents—many of whom are Aids patients—in providing food packages and encouraging reading material which has lifted their spiritual life and given them hope to live again.”

The Director of New Hope Orphanage in Uplands comments: “Thanks for the tireless effort in providing food stuffs, clothing, books and sponsorship for our 170 orphans and the adjacent ‘Grandma Village‘ throughout the year.“

The Olives Rehabilitation Center in Mombasa reports: “Thank you for donating much needed new kitchen equipment, plates and cups, plus a three months supply of food items for our Feeding Program which caters to 380 children and staff from the surrounding poor neighbourhood.“

  • Monthly, over one ton of nutritional food stuffs has been distributed by volunteers of Family Care Missions.
  • Sponsorships for Secondary School Fees, teacher’s salaries and logistics for Aid Projects have been sourced.
  • Four Free Medical Camps were organized and thousands of patients in remote areas have been treated.
  • Professional Counseling for Aids– and Cancer patients, adolescence and single mothers has been provided.
  • Hundreds of children from poor neighborhoods received much appreciated Christmas gifts.
  • Orphans received clothing, shoes, school materials and toys.
  • Monthly Care Packages for thousands of poor families have been distributed.

Family Care Missions thanks for your continued support to help the needy.

Family Care Missions | P.O. Box 63803 - 00619, Nairobi | Tel: 0733 887259 ‐ Mpesa: 0717 411138 | |

Volume 1, 2011 – 2012

Family Care Missions is comprised of full- and part-time volunteers dedicating their lives to helping the underprivileged and disadvantaged of society. Family Care Missions devotes time to locating needy projects in an effort to raise awareness and sponsorship for the “poorest of the poor”. With a big THANK YOU -- our sponsors, friends and co-workers -- we would like to update you of our efforts to make life better for those in need of help!

With the “Buckets of Love” and “Care Package Program”, during the Christmas Season, thousands of 10kg Food Rations were distributed. The recipients were needy Aids patients and their children, those who are ill and bedridden and the elderly who live in poor areas of town.

  • Family Care Missions has been working in collaboration with the Olives Rehabilitation Program in Mombasa since 2000. The Feeding Program which caters to over 300 school children daily continues to receive regular support from FCM. During regular visits to the Center new Initiatives to keep meeting the rising need are being discussed and implemented.
  • Throughout the year three free Medical Camps were organized by Family Care Missions and supported by well wishers. Approximately 10,000 patients received Free Medical Care, Lab Tests, and VTC Counseling. Hundreds of the neediest families, which often consist of Single-Parent or Teenage-led Households, received food packages as well.
  • Through sponsorship, the Stev-In School Project for underprivileged children has been renovated with a new floor for all five classrooms, wall panels, blackboards and transparent roofing sheets for better lighting. In December the construction of a much needed new latrine was completed. New books were donated to the library.
  • The New Hope Orphanage received donations of shoes, toys, stationary material, besides the regular food donations for the Children’s Feeding Program which reaches out to the underprivileged and elderly in the surrounding community as well. A self-help project in form of handmade Greeting Cards is being supported by FCM.
  • An Early Learning Center in Kibera received a Kuni Stove with pots and kitchen work area to better cater for the lunches of over 200 children. The environmental friendly Stove has been a big saving in the use of charcoal and can also be heated with wood scraps.